
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Work on Snowflake

So, I haven't blogged in a while, and I haven't spent much time on facebook or twitter, either.

Why? Well, social media is a vampire. It sucks out productivity and leaves you with banal one-liners and vapid video chuckles. People post videos or little jokes and mistake that as their own creativity. Normally, I'm OK with that, but not when I'm working on writing.

Here's the deal. I asked people if they wanted me to continue writing a love story called Dancing with Robin and I posted a few paragraphs to show where the idea was going. Only one person said they wanted to see more. That's enough for me. But I decided to ditch the one-week time limit and spend some time actually thinking about what I wanted to write. That part is done and the actual writing has commenced. It should be done in time for Christmas, so consider it your Xmas gift.

Here's what I've decided. First, the story is now called "Snowflake" and it is written in the style of a fairy tale. Why? Because romantic love is a shared fairy tale. We decide to overlook the things we don't like about a person and focus on the qualities that we do like. We are willing to give that person a chance,in other words. That has to be a mutually shared delusion or it becomes one-sided love. So every couple who fall into romantic love, is living in a type of shared delusion.

Is it a bad delusion? No. It's a necessary one. We need to believe. It's intrinsic to our nature as humans and believing in love is the ultimate expression of our nature. It's such a powerful thing that it can change us for the better. It can open us up to the possibility of the world being a better place. And we strive to make it a better place because of love. Dante believed that everything that we do on this earth and in heaven is driven by our belief in love and God's love for us. It is the salvation of mankind to love one another and through that, love the universe.

Everyone is unique and every love is unique, that's why the story's name is now "Snowflake." The two characters in this story are creating their own style of love and they have to create their own world for their love to exist. That's why love is a fairy tale. It's not the real world. All couples live in their own world when love is new. The real test comes as the romantic delusion falls away, and we have to integrate what we have learned in the journey into a life together. But that's another story.

So, look forward to "Snowflake." Oh ya, I've decided it's the first of a four-story arc about different kinds of love. One for each season. This first one is Winter. Romantic love is important in winter because it's a time to look inward and be together. We find warmth together against the cold around us.

That's all for now.