
Friday, November 26, 2010

In the end

We lie awake, each lost in our own thoughts.

The gentle gray of a false dawn slowly bringing the room into focus.

Birds begin their morning affirmation that they made it through the night. Chi chi chi rrrawwkaka the songs of the morning ring out. And with every moment color bleeds into the world as the light grows brighter.

Dawn is here and I can see the brown in her hair. My fingers dance down her arm in a gentle brush and she rolls over to face me. Her full lips paler without lipstick, she mumbles "morning" and puts her head against my chest and closes her eyes. She knows she'll never sleep in this bed again. We can't keep going. There weren't enough moments like this. And that's my fault.

The cat walks into the room and demands to be let out with a quick sharp noise.

And in the end we became strangers again.

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