
Friday, December 31, 2010

Say Hello to my little 2011

It's unavoidable when we stand on the precipice of a new year that we look back and give everything that happened the once over before putting it in the memory box. It's just human nature that we try to make sense of our careers, relationships and growth.

Of course, truth is, there's very little sense to be had. Mostly we just react to situations the best we can and hope things turn out for the best. However, that doesn't mean we should stop trying.

I started 2010 with some goals. I achieved some and failed at others. One of the big goals was to return to writing fiction. I finished a few stories, some poems and the first part of a three-part novel. But some projects were left unfinished and that needs to get rectified in 2011.

So, here's my challenge for 2011 -- finish what you start. That's all. Just finish what you start. It's simple and to the point. Think of all the small and big things that we start and only get halfway done. Imagine if you finished every project you started. It's mind blowing, isn't it?

OK here's my bold predictions for 2011.

Aliens will come to Earth, talk to us, meet our leaders and decide the trip was a waste of time.

Researchers will discover that trans fats are the only thing keeping most of us healthy and make recommendations that we all eat 100 oreos a day.

Ditto with smoking.

Gas prices will fall to 25 cents a gallon after most cars are converted to running on trans fats. That's right, trans fats are the new miracle substance.

Nabisco becomes the world's richest company (see predictions 2 and 4).

For some reason Australia becomes a wasteland and only Mel Gibson can save it. (wait that may be a series of movies from the 80s, eh, whatever)

We will have good times with each other including, but not limited to: good meals; companionship; and wacky fun.

Last thoughts on 2010:

Politics: Really? Really? The Tea Party? I oughta slap you.

Religion: Nothing terrible happened in religion this year, so that makes it a great year for religion. No popes died; this year's scandals were the same as last years and the Dalai Llama is still plugging away.

Taxes: I paid my fair share.

Death: It's only death that makes life so precious.

Zombies: No apocalypse this year. Maybe next.

1 comment:

tattedlyzerd said...

This is an awesome post.